Character Creation
Everything you need to create a starting character for the Bumps in the Dark game is available on this site. You can also download the full System Resource Document at
Let's get started.
Step One
Come up with a character concept. The concept should be something that you would be interested in playing over a campaign. Don't think in terms of game mechanics, but in what would be fun. Sometimes, it's easy to base your character of someone from a book, TV show or movie.
Some things to consider
Bumps in the Dark is an Urban Fantasy game set in the modern world where magic does exist, but it's extremely rare, and most people don't believe in it.
Characters start with regular jobs and somewhat regular lives. No one starts off as part of a secret group, nor is anyone a public superhero. You can be aware of the supernatural in the world around you, but you know that makes you the exception.
Don't create a joke character. They get old pretty fast, and aren't appropriate for the Bumps in the Dark setting.
Don't create a character that silently lurks in the shadows and has to be dragged out to engage with the others in the game. If your character is quiet or shy, be prepared to role play the crap out of some body language so that you are involved in the game. It's no fun for me as a GM to have to force a player to participate because "that's not what their character would do."
Be description, have a background, create secrets. Share them with the GM so that they can be incorporated into the story. Make the world yours, but please don't submit twenty pages of backstory. Try to keep it to one page with the highlights.
Work with the other players to create a team of complimentary roles. Even in a TV show where everyone is a police officer, each character unique. One might be the interrogator. The other is the muscle. One is great at investigation and research. Another member of the team is great at undercover work.
Step Two
You need to pick 3 attributes for your characters, and you have the option to pick a forth. The attributes are:
Type (required) - Your primary role.
Flavor (optional) - a way to draw from a secondary role.
Descriptor (required) - your personality, nature or way you approach problems.
Focus (required) - What you can do better than anyone else. It's what makes you special.
Step Three
Add the finishing touches.
Assign points to your Might, Speed and Intellect based on your type.
Assign special abilities from your type or flavor. If you drop an ability from your type to replace it with an ability from your flavor, you can never access that dropped ability - even at higher tiers.
What is the connection based on your type. This is your connection to the world around you.
Record your effort, edge and cypher limit.
Figure out your starting equipment and weapons. The information on the EQUIPMENT PAGE is meant as a guideline, and is not an absolute list.
Update your character stats, skills and abilities based on your descriptor.
Determine your initial link to the adventure based on your descriptor or come up with one on your own that fits your character.
Add the abilities from your focus.
Write it all down and share it with the GM.
I put together a quick video to go over all these points. You can find it at